
The IAsyncDisposable interface in .NET Core 3.0

September 19, 2019 | 5 Minute Read

Implementing IAsyncDisposable on disposable objects.

.NET Conf 2019 Countdown series

I’m excited to be part of the .NET Conf with this every day mini-post series until the 23th September.

It’s definitely worth attending a .NET Conf 2019 local event to get together with other .NET friends. Join me on the 30th september at Community .NET Conf 2019 Event.

Prerequisites & Setup

You will need Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Core 3.0 SDK to try this out.

The IAsyncDisposable interface

Every .NET developer will sooner or later use the Dispose() method (indirectly with a using statement) and implement the IDisposable. The pattern for disposing an object, has been available as a concept with .NET for a long time, going back to the .NET Framework 1.1.

Since then, a lot has evolved - new things like async/await were added and multi-threaded systems are no longer indispensable and more important nowadays with the cloud. Thus there is a need to do the disposal also asynchronously.

Sure, you could do the following to dispose an object asynchronously in a async/await context (not recommended):

    await Task.Run(() => disposableObj.Dispose());

Wrongly usage of Task.Run() could cause thread pool starvation - thread pool threads, are a globally shared resource. Beside that, you couldn’t use disposableObj in a using statement. The new interface (IAsyncDisposable) helps. The DisposeAsync() fulfills exactly the same purpose as the Dispose() method of IDisposable and should follow the smae implementation rules:

  • DisposeAsync/Dispose could be called multiple times, subsequent calls must be ignored
  • DisposeAsync/Dispose shouldn’t throw exception
  • DisposeAsync/Dispose must be implemented when it holds another disposable object or/and unmanaged resources

So, the using statement would be like this:

await using (var disposableObject = new DisposableObject())

Similar to the non await using statement, it expands to (internally):

    DisposableObject disposableObject = null;
        disposableObject = new DisposableObject();
        if (disposableObject != null)
            await disposableObject.DisposeAsync();

Well, let’s see how you could implement IAsyncDisposable on a class that does already implementing IDisposable in your own library:

public class DisposableObject : IAsyncDisposable, IDisposable
    private bool disposed = false;

    public DisposableObject()

    public void Dispose()
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposed)

        if (disposing)
            // Free any other managed objects here.

        disposed = true;
    public virtual ValueTask DisposeAsync()
            return default;
        catch (Exception exception)
            return new ValueTask(Task.FromException(exception));

Usually, you are good to go by calling the existing dispose method, but this isn’t always possible - it depends on the structure/purpose of your class. You maybe wonder, why DisposeAsync is returning a ValueTask and not a Task - It’s because of performance. ValueTask is a struct that doesn’t add pressure to the GC by allocating on the heap. This could be important when many objects getting disposed in a tight loop. The try/catch is only required when the class isn’t sealed or/and you aren’t sure that under no circumstances an exception is thrown. Further, there is no CancellationToken support for DisposeAsync because there is no well-known scenario to cancel cleanup process and leave the object in an inconsistent state.

IAsyncDisposable is not inherited from IDisposable by intension, allowing developers to choose between implementing one or both. Depending on your class usage/purpose, it’s more appropriate to offer only DisposeAsync when it is likely used in an asynchronously fashion. Another benefit of having IAsyncDisposable is to perform a resource-intensive dispose operation without blocking the main thread of a GUI application for a long time.

Last but not least: this exists in the .NET Standard 2.1 and later - implemented by the .NET Core 3.0. As you maybe already know, the “Windows” .NET Framework (e.g. 4.7.2, 4.8 and so on) will never implement .NET Standard 2.1 and thus no IAsyncDisposable interface.


Overall, I think the IAsyncDisposable interface and the await keyword for the using statement is a meaningful extension. It rounds off the async/await programming model that is meanwhile used a lot (File.ReadAllTextAsync(...), httpClient.PostAsync(...), DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(...), just to name few). Feel free to leave a comment - I’m always happy to get feedback of any kind.